This is my blogchalk: United Kingdom, Oxford, English, Male, 36-40.
Most of the photographs are taken
on a Nikon D70, an Olympus Camedia C-3030 Zoom, an Oregon Scientific CardCam, or a Sony CyberShotU.
Image Manipulation using Microsoft Digital Image Pro.
I would also like to thank my
Director, the Producer, my family, my God, all the little
people who I didn't even dain to speak to while working with
them and finally to the voices in my head who tell me what
to type.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Having missed the first Live Aid, I am determined to be at Live8 which was announced today.
The big difference this time - Live8 concerts will be free!
I have already put the date in my diary and will be in Hyde Park to enjoy the show.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Hello to you if you have arrived at this site to try and find out why someone has been using this domain to email you about Logo redesign.
Fact is I dont know and I am doing my level best to find out.
It seems some friend of humanity had hi-jacked my email address as the "return to" address on a spamming campaign and, as a result, my email box has now been filled with over 500 Delivery Status Notifications withing the past few minutes.
I have tracked the culprit down to the email address, which is at the University of Northern Dakota. Therefore, if you wish to report an email address/domain to your local spamming authority, please use that one.
Thank you, and apologies for the inconvenience.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Star Wars The Lost Soap
I just found this amazing parody of the forthcoming Star Wars film.
The film is officially called "Episode III Revenge of the Sith" and opens in cinemas on 19th May. The parody version is called "Episode III A Lost Hope" which I can't help thinking is some geeky commentary on the quality of this final episode.
Watch out for the pregnancy test scene - definitely NOT worksafe. I swear!
Monday, May 09, 2005
How to Fold a Shirt
At home I keep most of my clothes on hangers so as not to put nasty crease marks into them, but this is unavoidable when travelling. I have to travel quite a bit on business and so you might think I would be pretty adept at packing a suitcase. However, the part that I always dread is folding the clothes so that they remian uncrumpled for the whole of the journey.
Folding shirts is a particular bugbear because I can never get them exactly right. Now, thanks to a nifty little video which popped onto my PC screen this evening, I have the answer to this problem. The narration is in Japanese, but the practical demonstration is very clear and it works. I just went and got a t-shirt and tried it out. Once you have wathced it I dare you not to do the same.
Birth of the MegaBlog
As blogs go The Huffington Post, which launched today, has all the ingredients to be a blockbuster.
This massive, multi-user, celebrity blog has a rosta of 300 bloggers, including Diane Keaton, Warren Beatty, Walter Cronkite, Ellen DeGeneres, David Mamet, John Cusack, Robert Schlesinger and so on.
Having browsed through the entries posted so far on day one, this could become a very interesting little forum so long as all those busy people can keep up with the pace. I do wonder, perhaps somewhat uncharitably, just how much of this is being written by the celebs themselves, and how much is the output of a busy PR department. As of today it is in my Feedreader so I can keep track as it develops.
I wonder if this is the shape of things to come. How long before we see the mega celebrity podcast?
Pound the Penguin
Ever wondered how the inhabitants of the frozen north spend the cold winter days? They play Smack the Pingu.
No, it is not a new ghastly euphemism for an unspeakable act, but actually quite a bit of fun in which you help a Yeti and a Penguin break a new record.
The rules of this cool little game are pretty simple, and like most online games, it is pretty consuming so wave your afternoon goodbye!
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Eye Popping Stunt
According the the conventional wisdom on body language, our eyes widen with excitement or fear.
The women in this video clip was either very excited or terribly afraid.
I have watched this clip time after time (while keeping my head well forward over a bucket(!) and it looks genuine to me - especially the audience reactions.