Miracles of Modern Surgery
If God has given you short shrift, there is no longer need to worry. Professor Mikhail Sokolshchik, a
Russian surgeon can now quite literally
rebuild you to your satisfaction (and presumably to the delight of your partner!)
Check the Facts

Yesterday I blogged about the lack of resources for checking the past record of politicians and party leaders.
I was already aware of one site -
theyworkforyou.com - through which I have been able to gain an accurate, and none too pretty
record of my local MP's performance. It seems that Mr Andrew Smith is somewhat shy of participating in the cut and thrust of political process having only spoken in 8 debates in the last year putting him a long way down the activity rankings at 542nd out of 659 MPs. Mr Smith's expenses also seem to bear some scrutiny - having been the top claiming MP for London supplement (£1,227), and 37th for claiming expenses under the mysterious heading of "Other" (£4,200). Of course these figures and other activities require deeper analysis but my initial impression is to wonder if I and my fellow constituents are being well served.
A second online resource I have discovered is
FactCheck by Channel 4. Assuming that it is permitted to continue during the media blackout of the election period, I am pleased to see that someone it taking the time and effort to dig through the archives and ratify the honesty and consistency of our political leaders. Of the most recent facts checked is
the PM's ever shifting tastes in food. More proof, if it were needed, that
Tony Bliar will say whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear!
Pants on Fire

After four weeks of solid campaigning by the three major political parties in the UK, the
worst kept secret in British politics is now out and the
UK General Election date has been set for the 5th May.
At times like this it is vital that the electorate have accurate, informative and independent information available to them so that they can ensure their vote really counts on the day. Whilst all the parties will be putting forward their proposals and policies for the next five years, it is just as important to refresh your memory with the past track record of politicians. Strangely,
other than one or two dedicated sites this information is not widely available, but as always the search engines come to the rescue to provide a vital component in the information armoury available to all of us.
So, if you are in the UK, try typing the word "
Liar" into Google, and look who is top of the results! Don't forget to click on the link offered to ensure that this entry retains its well deserved top spot in the answers.
Bedroom Diva
There isn't a single one of us who at sometime or another hasn't mimed, or sung along to, their favourite pop song in front of a mirror. It is the small, personal vanity of the young who one day dream of being on stage and admired by millions.
In today's connected and multi-media rich world, it seems the kids go one step futher than the mirror and record themselves doing it using a video or web-cam.
But having done so only the irretrievably sad would actually go the next step and
unleash such a performance on the world.