Sunday, December 26, 2004
 It's Christmas week, and in the UK that means it is time to make a family visit to the pantomime. A theatrical tradition where fairytales are re-enacted with men playing women, women playing men and some of the worst jokes in the world are given their annual public airing. Curious how us British seem determined to celebrate the birth of Christ by exposing our impressionable children to a deviant cross-dressing midget show. Bah-humbug!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
Tracking Santa
 Ever wondered how Santa Claus manages to fly all over the world and visit all the children's homes in one night? Back in the old days he used to have the skies to himself and he could zip about quite freely. But these days he has all sorts of Air Traffic do deal with and, most importantly, avoid. He also needs to make sure he is not confused with a terrorist or military threat. For the 50th year running the mighty resources of NORAD will be devoted to tracking the movements of that most illusive of aircraft, Santa's sleigh. Santa is so busy tonight that he just does not have time to re-route because a holiday jet is in his way. So the goal of the NORAD team is to route the other traffic around him, and to make sure that all the presents get delivered on time. If you are at home, you can use the NORAD site to track how far santa has got. If you are on an aeroplane tonight, keep a good look out of the window. You never know, you might just see those raindeer and a jolly man going about the most important delivery round of the year.
Twas the Night Before Christmas........
 So goes the opening line to perhaps the best known and most often recited poem at this time of year. Until recently it was believed that this ballad was written in 1822 for Clement Clarke Moore's two daughters, Margaret and Charity, and later anonymously published in the Troy [New York] Sentinel on December 23, 1823. But, according to University of Toronto English Library, in 2000, Don Foster, in his book Author Unknown: On the Trail of Anonymous was able to demonstrate that Moore could not have been the author. Foster concluded that it was probably written by Major Henry Livingston Jr. Visit A Mouse in Henry Livingston's House for a biography and an account of the quest to correct the authorship of this poem. It is not at all surprising that such a famous poem has been the subject of parody, but I was not expecting to find a list of over 650 different versions written variously for cowboys, sci-fi fans, feminists, dog owners and many more. If you feel so inspired, how about writing a new one and sending it to me (email address in the left hand column). The best one submitted by 31st December will be published here on 1st January and a prize will be sent to the winner. Only one rule, we don't want a repeat of the Moore/Livingstone debacle so you must be able to prove that it is all your own work.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Freedom Of Whatever is Left
 I do declare, this Government of ours gets more Orwellian every day. I find the thought that Civil Servants might be busy working to destroy valuable historic documents more than a little disturbing. For those still playing catch-up the UK Freedom of Information Act, passed by Parliament in 2000, will allow British Citizens unprecedented access to information held by public bodies from 1 January 2005. We must hope that the authors of the Act did not have this wholesale destruction in mind as a step for preparation. Perhaps when all the shredding is done we will see have an announcement of the formulation of Minitrue and the implementation of Doublethink… "To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink." Meanwhile we are already fulfilling the role of “ Airstrip One” almost as George (Orwell, not Dubya) predicted.
On the List
Over the past few weeks I have been adding a few things to my "To do in 2005" list. It is not really a statement of resolutions, more a list of things I intend to make time for in the coming 12 months - individual achievements rather than long-term changes to behaviour. I will publish the full list on New Year's eve, but I have just added a line to make a very spectacular drive.
The Cost of Christmas
 Do you feel like this time of year is all spend, spend, spend? Does it seem to you that your credit cards will never recover from the yuletide bashing which it has taken buying presents for everyone? Spare a small thought for Santa who has to provide presents for 1/3 of the world's children. An excellent little animation, from the house of JibJab, puts the plight of the world's gift giver into context. So don't feel to glum if all your cash is gone, the look on the faces of your friends and relatives on Christmas morning will be something that money just cannot buy. And I am sure they will all be looking forward to seeing the look on your face too. As I always say, it is the taking part that is important, not the giving part - the taking part!
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Text-mas Cheer
 As the party season is now well and truly under way, there are a wide variety of services and promotions for UK mobile phone owners to help everyone into the Christmas spirit and get the party off to a swinging start. Fashionistas can be sure of avoiding a 'bad hair day' by using a service offered by hairdressers Toni & Guy. Those with WAP enabled mobile technology can access a gallery of hairstyles and share it with friends with a picture message to seek their approval before setting foot in the salon. If you get tired of eating turkey leftovers and cold congealed plum pud you might want to look for an alternative meal over the holiday period. Many forward thinking restaurants are sending text messages to their past customers to notify them of special offers and promotions for Christmas and the New Year. (You thought they threw away all those entries once the "free bottle of wine" business card raffle was over didn't you?) The Pitcher and Piano chain of bars are providing free bottles of wine for customers and 3 of their friends in their mobile marketing campaign this year. Or if you are just looking for somewhere nice for a quiet drink? Pub goers can now find their nearest pub featured in ' The Good Pub Guide 2005' by texting the word GOODPUB to 85130. Users receive an SMS message giving them the location and address of their nearest recommended Good Pub in the UK. Anyone wishing to go on a Good Pub-crawl can simply reply to the original message with the word NEXT and details of the next nearest good pub will be sent to their phone. Perhaps when you are at the party you are seeking to be life and soul by telling some jokes which are better than those which fall out of the Christmas crackers. A great source of these is Jongleurs Joke of the Day service by texting JOKE to 61177. Not only will it send a joke tailored to specific types of comedy taste, it also enters users into a fortnightly draw for free tickets to one of the 17 Jongleurs clubs throughout the UK. Staggering out of a party late at night, nothing is worse than realising you have missed the last train home. If you find yourself stranded in London and all you want is to get home as quickly as possible, without queuing for a cab until the wee hours, let your fingers do the walking. London Taxi Point are using location service to enable customers to locate the nearest available black cab and book it using SMS by texting 1156 to 83220. If your friends are just too far away to see this Christmas, or are suffering from a seasonal snuffle why not text a carol just to let them know you are thinking of them? BT's new mobile to fixed line SMS service will let you send music to a friends home phone by adding a simple * code in an SMS to trigger a jingle, your text message might read something like: "Merry Xmas. I can't be there 2 sing it with u but thought u might like this *merryxmas# ." On delivery to a landline, the text message is converted to automated speech and when the *merryxmas# code is reached, the recipient will hear the familiar strains of We Wish You A Merry Christmas sung to them. There are several seasonal jingles currently available: Key *merryxmas# for 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' Key *jinglebells# to play them 'Jingle Bells' Key *newyear# and they? will hear 'Auld Lang Syne' Jingles can be sent by text from O2, Vodafone, Orange, H3G (not T-Mobile or Virgin) to all UK phone numbers beginning 01 or 02 irrespective of network. Merry Text-mas!
Monday, December 20, 2004
Christmas Rush
According to the news media, this past weekend contained the busiest shopping days of the year and now the schools have broken up high streets and shopping centres everywhere are packed with people and will stay that way until the doors lock on Christmas Eve. It looked pretty busy to me in Oxford on Saturday, and stores in both London's Regent Street and Manchester's Trafford Centre repored that it will be the best Christmas ever for them scotching fears earlier in the month that retail takings would be down as more consumers purchase online. What becomes clear from this shopping intensity is that many people have not finished their shopping and as of last Friday a few had not even started. I am quite relaxed now. I have finished my Christmas shopping and all the gifts are wrapped and nestling under the tree. Only one more food shop to go and I shall do that late on Wednesday evening. While wondering round the shops on Saturday, I fancied a hot drink on a cold day. As I sat in Starbucks, mulling over my egg nog latte, after queueing for longer than I would normally wait at a supermarket checkout, it occurred to me that here was a globally successful retail chain which has achieved its success through word of mouth marketing. Further than that, here is a company for which I have never seen a TV advert. I wondered if there have been any, and after a brief Googling this morning I found one. Bonus is that it is an entirely seasonal ad and was filmed in my favourite American city. Last time I was in San Francisco I had a taxi ride very much like this one!
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Get Firefox
 If you are a regular user of a computer you cannot have possibly missed the fact that many people are converting to an internet browser called Firefox. Microsoft Internet Explorer became the most widely used browser in the late 1990s and it was some of the business tactics they used to achieve this dominant position which led to all the lawsuits against them in recent years. Despite the litigation Internet Explorer's market share has been increasing through all these years. This summer, however, Firefox turned the tide. Many sites that track browser usage recorded Internet Explorer use peaking in May 2004, and declining since then. A quick look at the visitor statistics to this site show that already 13% of the visitors are using Firefox. I am not anti-Microsoft at all. I believe they have developed some really good products (Powerpoint, Access, Streets and Trips) and some cool technology (Expedia, MSN Messenger). However, not everything they sell is as good as it could be and since the speed of Internet Explorer development has been glacial for the last three years it is now lacking many of the more advanced features which ought to be standard. After a few months of using Firefox I have concluded that it is quite simply a better browser than Internet Explorer. That unqualified opinion is not very valuable to anyone who would like to make an informed decision. Security is one of the main reasons that people are trying Firefox, but it also has many features that are lacking in Internet Explorer. I offer below my top ten reasons to Get Firefox
1. Firefox Is FreeWell, that is an understatement, Firefox is not just free, it is open source. That means that you or anyone has the right to make changes to the code. Now, while you may not be a developer, or even want to dabble in the inner working of a browser, the flexibility that Open Source offers is that if there is a security problem with Firefox, anybody can contribute a fix. Why should that give you confidence? Well, the developers who are delivering the fixes to Firefox are likely to be exactly the same sort of people who are looking for ways to poke wholes in Internet Explorer. The difference being that while there is a matter of pride in ensuring that the "people's browser" does not fall foul of the same media scare stories as have befallen Microsoft's products over the past few months. 2. Firefox is Cross Platform. Imagine, the same browser working on all computers regardless of whether they are running Windows, Mac OS or Linux. This is great news for web developers as it means they only have to construct and test their web pages once and they meet the needs of all the world's most popular computers. 3. Firefox is Small. Microsoft's Internet Explorer is quite a weighty program. Firefox downloads quite easily and quickly being only a 4.7MB download. If you are on Broadband, it will download while you make a cup of tea, whereas if you are still running on a 56k modem, you probably have time to watch a sitcom. 4. Switching to Firefox is Easy. The developers who participated in the creation of Firefox thought long and hard about how to make it as easy as possible for people to stop using Internet Explorer and start using Firefox. So, the good news is that you can import all your existing settings from Internet Explorer. The Firefox installation routine takes care of all your bookmarks, options, cookies and all the other settings data is converted too. 5. Firefox Supports ExtensionsExtensions are small add-on programs that add new features. In the early days of the internet (1993-1996) there was a popular browser called Netscape, this was based on a standard called Mozilla which invented the concept of extensions. Firefox is based on the same Mozilla open standard and there is already a thriving community of developers creating extensions, with more than 70 available, none of which cost a bean! I have downloaded some really cool extensions for blocking adverts, getting weather reports and a great little Newsfeed reader called Sage so I can keep track of all the latest entries in the other Blogs I like to read. 6. Firefox has Bookmark keywordsThis is a superb innovation which lets you create shortcuts for any URL. In the properties for each bookmark, there is a Keyword option. If you bookmark "" and give it the keyword "Weather", typing "Weather" in the URL field takes you directly to the site. Firefox's "Smart Keywords" even let you search right from the URL field. Type "Weather Oxford" in the URL field, and Firefox will take you to the Weather page on the BBC Website. Interestingly typing "Oxford Weather" will take you somewhere else altogether. 7. Firefox is Very Customizable. In addition to options available through the user interface, many more options can be customized using text files. There are also some great "skins" so you can change the design of the look and feel to be as formal or as wacky as you like. 8. Firefox Blocks Popups. Popup blocking in Internet Explorer only arrived with XP Service Pack 2 and is so cumbersome it is a little like a sledgehammer in its all or nothing approach. Firefox's approach to Popup blocking is more refined and gives the user quite a bit of detailed control over what can and what cannot get through. Popups can also be opened in the Firefox tabbed browsing so it lets you contain all those popups in a single window without cluttering your screen. The good news is also that the Firefox browser and the many Extensions continue to be developed to keep up with the ingenuity of the pop-up authors. 9. Firefox has Progressive FindIf you have completed a search for a web-page you might then want to use the "find" tool to get to the point on a page which contains the text on which you searched. Finding within a web page in Firefox works as you type, and displays a warning flag if no match is found. 10. Firefox is Secure. As alluded to in item 1 above, one of the most worrying issues with Microsoft Internet Explorer is that it has had repeated security scares surrounding it. Even the US Department of National Paranoia Homeland Security has recommended that, for national and personal reasons, Internet Explorer users should "use a different web browser". Firefox is also resistant to Spyware, that pernicious technology which steals your processor cycles and snoops on your browsing activity. If you haven't tried Firefox yet, perhaps now is the time.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Online Radio Guide - Seasonal Special
 I have been looking for a really special seasonal online radio station to share with you. By special, I mean something different and distinct from the normal round of drummer boys, roasting chesnuts, and also offering some respite from the endless replays of the Band Aid single. (I bought one - have you?) The station I have found to share with you comes from the quirky but always high quality SomaFM. SomaFM is listener-supported, commercial-free, underground/alternative radio broadcasting from San Francisco and X-mas in Frisco is their annual eclectic, irreverent holiday broadcast. Best heard on broadband, a low bandwidth stream is also available. As well as some innovative remixes of the traditional, the playlist includes comedy and novelty record you may have thought (hoped) had been consigned to remain gathering dust in the archives. For example in the past 30 minutes I have listened to Little Bargain Boy by 2 Live Jews and Tweety's Twistmas Twoubles by Mel Blanc. Be warned, listening to X-mas in Frisco is not for the feint hearted and may not be suitable for all ages. Odd little numbers like Christmas On Acid by Radio Free Vestibule are quite likely to invade your ears without any notice. Despite the warnings my iTuner will be dialed in from now till the big day itself.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Puppet Love
Warning: This post links to Adult Content.Way back at the beginning of August I wrote about the making of the new movie from 'South Park' creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker.Despite the fact that they are using puppets as the stars, it was never expected to be anything less than controversial. Let's face it, anyone who can put that much foul language into the mouths of animated little children, and produce a move about the US declaring war on Canada is hardly going to be happy with the Gerry Anderson style of story telling. In Team America World Police Matt and Trey have turned their savage satirical spotlight on the "War on Terror". Word has reached us here at Sapientum Towers that Team America World Police contains a scene which is little short of pornographic. Purely in the interests of research I have just watched it and can confirm that it is explicit, crude and hilarious! Apparently this scene had to be re-edited nine times before American censors would give the film an R rating. I am sure that the majority of readers are upstanding citizens and would be appalled if the offending scene was made publicly available on the internet. Wouldn't you?
Online Radio Guide - Part 4 - Six Degrees
 The last time I wrote about Six Degrees Records was when I finally managed to track down a copy of the excellent Traveler 03. I have been waiting in vain for Traveler 04 to be released (no date announced yet and less than 28 days to go!) but I was delighted to discover that the label has started its own online radio station based on the Traveler series. As I said before: This small label based in San Francisco California, specializes in finding the best groove and dance music from all over the world. The are particularly good at showcasing hybrid or fusion music, where two cultures have met, messed around, and produced progeny which display the best characteristics of both parents. So the resulting radio station lets you hear a great selection of their output. The weekly show is put together and presented by label co-founder Bob Duskis. To start the playback in iTunes or RealPlayer click here. For those still suffering under the yoke of Windows Media or other, lesser players, you best go to the Live365 station site and start from there. If you are on broadband, be sure to visit the Six Degrees website homepage and check out the streaming videos. Have a listen too to the Christmas Remixed sampler - guaranteed to get you into a funky holiday spirit.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Fall on your Sword
Here are a couple of words for David Blunkett. Cecil Parkinson.
7 Million Votes
Last night was the final The X Factor and 7 million of the British Public (that is more than 10% if you are into such statistics) voted to decide which warbling non-entity will have a brief but ultimately futile attempt to forge a career as the next "singing sensation". Whilst you may not rate his signing ability, you cannot fault his talent for stating the obvious. On winning Steve the pub crooner said to his mentor Simon Cowell "If you hadn’t put me through in that first audition I wouldn’t be here now." Erm, yes. Sadly British television is now being overrun with such contests for the hard of thinking. The X Factor, Pop Idol, Stars in their Eyes - no matter how you dress them up its just karaoke.
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Presents for Pets
 Not to be forgotten among the gift buying for Christmas are family pets. Our family have always had a dog in the house, and each Christmas our beloved pet is given its own present to open. This normally involves a brightly coloured package being plonked in front of a confused canine which, having been told for weeks before that it is "naughty" to sniff and tear open the presents under the tree, cannot understand that it is suddenly ok to do so. Whilst browsing online for a possible gift for the current woofage of the house, I came across an online quiz called Dog Toy or Marital Aid?. It really is quite alarming how hard it is to tell these things apart! Have a go and see how you get on.
Friday, December 10, 2004
The Earth From Space
 Ever wondered what the earth looks like from space - right now? I have been playing around the marvelous xearth, a dynamic desktop written by Greg Hewgill which works with any 32-bit version of Windows, including 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP. As you work, the image gradually changes to show the gentle rotation of the planet, or you can set it to display the view from a particular point in space, say above your house, and watch as the movement of the sun changes the light on the picture to reflect the dawn and dusk outside your window. One further little goodie is they the application also displays earthquake data from the Near Real Time Earthquake List, provided by the US Geological Survey. As i write there have been none so far today , but yesterday alone there were eight earthquakes, and I saw them depicted on the representation of the globe soon after they had taken place. Now, if only the Greg could be persuaded to include the thunderstorm data I wrote about earlier in the summer, that would make a fantastic display as well as being an excellent educational tool.
Blasphemy or Artistic Freedom?
In the same week that comedians gathered together to retain their freedom of speech against a government bill to outlaw inciting religious hatred, comes a storm of protest over the staging of a play at The University of St Andrews - alma mater of our future king. Christian groups are protesting against the student play which portrays Jesus as a homosexual. The play, by Terrence McNally, is a modern retelling of the Gospels, set in the Texan town Corpus Christi and portraying Jesus and his disciples as homosexuals.But the play's director said the students had a right to free expression and that "homophobic" opposition had only made them more determined that the show would go on. McNally, was forced to cancel the first scheduled run of his work by the prestigious Manhattan Theatre Club in New York back in 1998, following threats to kill the staff, burn down the theatre and "exterminate" McNally himself. However, faced with mounting pressure in support of McNally, the Manhattan Theatre Club then reversed its previous ban, staged Corpus Christi in September of the same year. Interestingly enough St Andrews is not the first place in Scotland where Corpus Christi has been performed. It completed a successful, if controversial, run at the Edinburgh Festival in 1999. The issue in debate is apparently that the Christians who are protesting say that the play distorts the truth. But when a play portrays a historical figure who lived over 2000 years ago, who is to know just what is "the truth"? At the time of the play's Edinburgh Festival run there was much debate in the media, and many learned religious scholars were called to comment. According to the U.S. Biblical scholar, Morton Smith, of Columbia University, there is some doubt after a fragment of manuscript he found at the Mar Saba monastery near Jerusalem in 1958, showed that the full text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible) contains a passage which includes the following text. "And the youth, looking upon him (Jesus), loved him and beseeched that he might remain with him. And going out of the tomb, they went into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days, Jesus instructed him and, at evening, the youth came to him wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God." The theme of a missing gospel has been the basis of novels by Gore Vidal and Wilton Barnhardt - both of which remind us that behind every text there is a writer, translator and, worst of all, human imagination and interpretation. With that potent combination, can we ever really be sure we are reading the truth about anything which happened so long ago? But is this a debate about truth or something else? Is it right to stage a play or display a work of art which might cause offense to others? As artists are often at pains to point out their role is often to force discussion about topics which are not being addressed by society. If a work causes a reaction, then it is seen to have served it's purpose. Perhaps St Andrews staging of the play could have been done with better timing than to choose the first week of Advent, but maybe it was entirely intentional. One thing is sure, the theatre company currently at the centre of the storm has the sort of publicity which money cannot buy, and I doubt there will be a spare seat in the house for the remainder of the run. Now is that really what Stephen Green, Director Christian Voice (who incidentally admits he has not seen the play but feels qualified to speak authoritatively on it!) was trying to achieve when he stirred up the campaign?
Friday, December 03, 2004
OneVision Photo Competition
 Since my little rant on Tuesday about how I didn't think people were paying enough attention to, or getting involved in, the efforts against AIDS, I have been wondering what more there is I can do to participate. Then I found OneVision, a pan-European photographic competition to encourage new and positive ways of looking at life of people living with HIV and AIDS. The competition was was first run last year when the European Panel of Judges received more than 500 entries from 16 European countries. ?HIV and AIDS: Images of Life? is the theme for One Vision 2005 and according to the website the competition?s European Panel of Judges is looking for images that convey today, 20 years after the discovery of HIV, the notion of evolution, progress and hope in daily living. So, between now and the closing date in March 2005 I am going to be focusing my photographic efforts on capturing an image or two for submission to this open competition. I encourage any budding photographic bloggers to participate as well. If you are not a photographer, but appreciate beautiful images, not to worry, 25 000 calendars featuring the winning entries of One Vision 2004 were printed and are being sold for the benefit of HIV advocacy groups across Europe. Visit the online shops of the National AIDS Trust and UK Coalition for People Living with HIV and AIDS where for £10 you can buy some for your friends.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Shopping for Gifts
Big thanks to Alan for brining to my attention for gift ideas for my geeky friends. Here in the UK we also have the wonderful " I Want One Of Those" which is less geeky but stil has some wonderful toys for adults (no, not those sorts of toys). The trouble is that when browsing through both these sites, I keep finding stuff which I would love to buy for myself and yet hardly anything I would want to buy for other people. Perhaps they would both to well to introduce the concept of a Wish List like Amazon so at least then I could share it with my friends and family and they would know what to buy for me.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
World AIDS Day
 I spent most of today being very disappointed in my fellow countrymen. My business appointments took me into the nation's capital and as I had been sold a red ribbon at the railway station in the morning I was sporting one on my lapel. However, throughout my entire day in London I spotted only a handful of other people wearing them. I wondered why that might be and even discussed it a little with Jermaine when we happend to converse on MSN this evening. He said that in his part of the USA people were equally shy of showing support. Could it be that people don't want to wear the ribbon in case they are considered guilty by association? Do they believe that by wearing a token that they have given to this most worthy of causes might in some way stigmatise them as actually having HIV? Or do they just assume that since the gay community has shown the most fervent support, having lost so many of their number in the early days of the virus' emergence, that anyone who donates must be gay and so do not wish to be mistaken as such? If either of these reasons is true it is a sad comment on the ignorance of the British. AIDS or HIV is the most virulent and widespread virus in the world today. An ever growing number of the African population is being infected, and alarming numbers of children are even born with the disease. In Botswana almost 40% of sexually active adults are HIV-positive and so far more than 20,000 people in Botswana are being kept alive by the cocktail of life-saving anti-retroviral drugs. This is a budget drain which the country cannot possibly sustain. According to the Terrence Higgins Trust it is estimated that there are currently 50,000 people living with HIV in the UK, the highest number ever. Studies by the Health Protection Agency, based on blood samples taken from the general population, estimate that about a third of these people have not yet been diagnosed. Another startling fact is that transmission of the virus has been proven to occur 60% of the time during heterosexual sex. In the early days there were many negative comments about the way that the UK Department of Health handled the warnings about AIDS, but regardless of how accurate or informed those warnings were they did have the effect of scaring the bejeezuz out of everyone. Now it seems the scare factor is gone as we are told that HIV infections are still on the rise in the UK with young people, who were not even born in the 80's when the "plague" first struck, now having unsafe sex believing themselves to be immune. Nearly 40 million people globally are living with the AIDS virus and within two years, six million more are expected to die. The chances are that no matter where we live, or whatever kind of lifestyle we lead, we will all know someone who is either suffering, or who has died from, HIV. Yet despite this frightening possibility, to my eyes the British public today totally failed to show public support for the organisations which are attempting to overcome the virus. I will continue to wear my red ribbon for the rest of the week. I don't care if society presumes stigma associated with doing so, just so long as they think at all! Whoever you are, wherever you are, take a few minutes now to educate yourself, and then make a donation and wear your ribbon with pride that you are doing your bit to save humanity from itself.