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Feathers of Hope

London Calling

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Eye Matter

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London Mark

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Lori Smith

I Am a Donut

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Who Links Here

Male/36-40. Lives in United Kingdom/Oxford, speaks English.
This is my blogchalk:
United Kingdom, Oxford, English, Male, 36-40.

Most of the photographs are taken on a Nikon D70, an Olympus Camedia C-3030 Zoom, an Oregon Scientific CardCam, or a Sony CyberShotU.

Image Manipulation using Microsoft Digital Image Pro.

I would also like to thank my Director, the Producer, my family, my God, all the little people who I didn't even dain to speak to while working with them and finally to the voices in my head who tell me what to type.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Webcam Update

Well, try as I might I still cannot get my webcam to function. I will have another go soon. In the mean time I have changed the "seeing" box above to show the BBC webcam which is on the top of Carfax tower in downtown Oxford, just a couple of miles from my house.

While looking for this webcam on the web, I also stumbled across a fantastic site which, as well as some great 360 degree images of other parts of this fair city, just happens to have a panoramic view from the same spot as the webcam.

This reminds me, I really must create some more panoramic views with my camera.

Sunday, May 09, 2004


For some reason, which I can't work out, my webcam has ceased to funciton and so the picture on my blog is frozen in time to 8th April. It doesn't seem to matter what I do (re-installing the camera, re-installing the software etc...) I just can't get it to save any pictures. All I get is a message saying "savedib failed".

Sadly the application I am using to capture and post the pictures is shareware and does not have any support or documentation to help me.

You are just going to have to put up with a frozen view - unless I can find another Oxford based webcam to put in its place - until I can get this problem resolved.